Psycho-educational Assessment
If you have concerns about your child’s learning and academic progress, we can complete a comprehensive learning assessment in order to better understand your child’s cognitive and academic strengths and weaknesses.
The assessment process typically includes:
Intake interview
Two to three 2-hour appointments to administer the standardized measure of intelligence and standardized measures of academic abilities (and other measures if needed)
Standardized questionnaires
Thorough review of all previous assessments and school records
One 1-hour follow up meeting to share the results and recommendations with parents.
A comprehensive report
Cost: $2,800
($600 for additional Mental Health/ADHD Assessment)
Gifted Assessment
A gifted assessment will determine an individual’s intellectual strengths, and whether or not your child’s intellectual ability (IQ) meets very specific criteria for access to educational programs dedicated to students who are considered gifted.
The assessment process typically includes:
Intake interview
One 2-hour appointment to administer the standardized measure of intelligence
Thorough review of all previous assessments and school records
One 1-hour follow up meeting to share the results and recommendations.
A comprehensive report
Cost: $1,700
Autism Spectrum Disorder Assessment
An assessment for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex process that involves the evaluation of multiple domains of functioning and behaviour. Given the variability in ASD symptom expression and the similar behaviours that several disorders share (e.g., Social Anxiety Disorder, ADHD, OCD, Social Communication Disorder), an individual can easily be given an incorrect diagnosis. At Child Psychological Services & Wellness, we adhere to the best practices in differential diagnosis and provide the most comprehensive assessment to ensure an accurate diagnosis.
The assessment process typically includes:
Intake interview
One 1.5 to 2-hour appointment to administer the standardized measure of intelligence
One 3-hour appointment to administer the ADI-R
One 1.5-hour to 2-hour appointment to administer the ADOS-2
Additional clinical interviews (if needed)
Thorough review of all previous assessments and school records
Standardized questionnaires
One 1 hour follow up meeting to share the results and recommendations.
A comprehensive report
Cost: $3,600
(an additional $800 with an Academic Assessment)
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Assessment/Mental Health Assessment
An assessment for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) involves the evaluation of an individual’s cognitive ability, executive functioning, behavioural difficulties, and symptoms of hyperactivity/impulsivity and inattention. Many neurodevelopmental and mental health disorders share similar symptoms with ADHD. Therefore, it is imperative to investigate other related disorders when assessing for ADHD. A mental health assessment is the process of gathering information about one’s mental health and identifying whether someone meets criteria for a mental health diagnosis.
The assessment process typically includes:
Intake interview
One 2-hour appointment to administer the standardized measure of intelligence
1.5 to 2 hours to conduct a clinical interview with parent
1 to 2 hours to conduct a clinical interview with child/adolescent/young adult
Standardized questionnaires
Thorough review of all previous assessments and school records
One 1-hour follow up meeting to share the results and recommendations.
A comprehensive report
Cost: $2,400
Intellectual Disability Assessment
This assessment is focused on evaluating cognitive capacity (IQ level) and adaptive functioning.
The assessment process typically includes:
Intake interview
One 1.5 to 2-hour appointments to administer the standardized measure of intelligence
Standardized questionnaires
Thorough review of all previous assessments and school records
One 1-hour follow up meeting to share the results and recommendations. Two copies of the report will be provided at the follow up meeting.
A comprehensive report
Cost: $1,800