Occupational Therapy
We work from a strength-based approach designed to provide enriched contextual and activity experiences that will help children develop the skills they need to grow into functional, independent adults. Based on the developmental frame of reference, therapy focuses on the “gaps” in the typical progression of growth and development. Gaps may be evident in cognitive skills, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, sensory integration skills, and daily living skills. Common therapeutic approaches often incorporate play into practice as a way of motivating children and reducing any anxiety or fears they might feel toward therapy. Play can involve games, toys, puzzles, songs, or physical exercises. The goal of pediatric occupational therapy is not only to help children adequately progress but to challenge them appropriately, helping to build self-esteem and confidence when it comes to their capabilities and aptitude.
Cost: $170/hour
Motor Skills Assessment
An assessment for Motor Skills involves testing the child for both gross and fine motor skills, as well as
visual motor integration to help determine if there is an underlying diagnosis of Developmental Coordination Disorder. These assessments comprise of subtests in strength, coordination, stability, mobility and object manipulation.
The assessment process includes:
One 2-hour appointment to administer standardized motor proficiency, visual motor skills and informal handwriting assessment.
Standardized questionnaire for parents to complete.
Two hours of report writing.
One 1-hour follow-up meeting to share the results and recommendations. Two copies of the report will be provided at the follow-up meeting.
Cost: $850
(additional $400 with a sensory assessment)
Visual Perceptual Assessment
An assessment for Visual Perceptual skills involves identifying problems with specific visual perceptual difficulties in the areas of visual discrimination, visual spatial relations, visual figure ground, visual memory, visual sequential memory, visual form constancy, and visual closure. Information gathered from this assessment will help guide strategies for functional difficulties at school and home.
The assessment process includes:
One 1-hour appointment to administer standardized testing and informal clinical evaluation.
Two hours of report writing.
One 1-hour follow-up meeting to share the results and recommendations. Two copies of the report will be provided at the follow-up meeting.
Cost: $700
(an additional $250 if added to motor skills assessment)
Sensory Integration Assessment
An assessment for Sensory Integration involves assessing how a child perceives the sensory environment and how this may have a functional impact on their day-to-day life, both at school and at home. The assessment process includes:
Standardized questionnaires for parents and teachers to complete.
A 1-hour appointment for a clinical interview with parents and child depending on age.
Two hours of report writing.
One 1-hour follow-up meeting to share the results and recommendations with parents. Two copies of the report will be provided at the follow-up meeting.
Cost: $850